Annual festivals, fairs and events in Volterra

Volterra Annual Cultural Festivals, Gastronomic and Sporting Events


Accommodation in Volterra

Volterra festivals

Palazzo Incontri-Viti

Etruscan Museum

In English

Auf Deutsch


Marzuolo (bianchetto) truffle fair
More about this white truffle variety.
Arts & Crafts (an entire day dedicated to local crafts)

Volterra crossbow competition

Volterra crossbow competition

5 June - Festa of the Patron Saint of Volterra. Festivities by the historic groups of Volterra.

Volterrateatro - (important theatrical event)
The Etruscan Cup - Agility dog show
Volterra Jazz Festival

Volterra Jazz Festival
The City of Volterra Cup - Automobile hill climb
Volterra A.D 1398 - Mediaeval Fair (for approximately 2 weeks)

 Not to be missed!

Volterra AD 1398 Mediaeval Festival

takes place between the third and fourth Sundays of August, starting Sunday.

The two Sundays are the best days to be here,
11 am until about midnight.

(There is an entry fee - this was 10 euros in 2013
Under 18 and over 60 - 6 euros, under 10 free)

volterra folkloric costumes volterra drummers
volterra dumpling makers volterra fruit
volterra juggler volterra meal
volterra swordsmen volterra swordsmen

Click here for other festivals of Tuscany.

Astiludio - National historic flag throwing competition (first Sunday of month)
More about flag throwing in Tuscany.

Truffle fair the last weekend of October and first weekend of November.


Accommodation in Volterra

Volterra events

Palazzo Incontri-Viti

Etruscan Museum

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